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The ECS is also active peripherally (Richardson et al 1998c) where CB1 While THC has no activity at vanilloid receptors, CBD, like AEA, is a TRPV1 agonist  Shark Tank CBD Oil? Jamie Richardson - Best Shark Tank Products Did the Sharks invest in Jamie Richardson? Will it get me high? What is it made out of? You’ve come to the right place. Although no CBD Oil or CBD gummies or anything CBD related were featured on Shark Tank, any questions you might’ve had about CBD oils and many others will be answered in this article as we explore the power CBD oils.

[Dr.] Jamie [Richardson] applied for a research grant to run the first ever . FDA . approved clinical trial involving CBD. With the help of Harvard researchers and medical doctors, Jamie led a clinical trial studying the effects of CBD on pain and inflammation. The results were astonishing. Through their research, they discovered a multitude

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