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: CBD The main reason I became interested in trying CBD is because I have pretty significant back pain. I've been seeing a chiropractor for 2 years now regularly. I take tylenol and advil around the clock (which isn't too good for you either tbh). I want to manage my back pain without having to take narcotics, getting surgery etc.

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I wanted to share my own -and hopefully get others to share their own- personal experiences with using CBD to treat a wide variety of ailments. I started taking 

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The CBD oil Reddit community provides answers and insights from people who claim to have hands-on experience.

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The results have ranged from completely unnoticeable to very noticeable. When it does work I feel  Not everyone knows that there are a lot of poor quality CBD products in the market. A 2017 study published in JAMA suggests only about 30% of CBD products  If it depends on the brand/company producing it Are there certain brands/companies that have been proven to show up or not show up on a drug test. I should  I wanted to share my own -and hopefully get others to share their own- personal experiences with using CBD to treat a wide variety of ailments. I started taking  Some researchers suggest that cannabidiol (CBD) oil can treat a range of a health provider is likely to recommend other proven treatments before CBD oil.